
BIG Loans; LITTLE Stress!

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Big Home

Mortgages By Linda provides borrowers with the peace of mind and stability that comes with a fixed-rate loan – up to $3M on both primary and secondary homes.

  • We have an innovative line of Jumbo ARM solutions and Interest-only options.
  • Our Vesting Titles in Entities Program provides sophisticated borrowers with the ability to retain the title within the preferred legal structure – LLC’s, trusts, partnerships and sub S corporations.
  • Mortgages By Linda’s Pledged Asset Loan Program offers financing up to 90% of home’s value by pledging security assets or savings in lieu of a down- payment, second mortgage or home equity loan. This is ideal for clients who wish to defer capital gains or losses while maintaining their investment strategy and continually benefiting from interest, dividends and investment appreciation.
  • Our Asset Depletion Program is for borrowers with complex income scenarios: self-employed, retired, trust income recipients, corporate buy-outs. This allows borrowers to use liquid assets to assist in meeting full doc DTI requirements.
  • We offer real estate financing for Foreign Nationals too. The borrower is not required to have a Social Security number, Green Card or Visa; No FICO score required either. We will accept foreign credit reports to demonstrate credit worthiness, income documentation, seasoned assets in a known verifiable financial institution, valid passport and a secondary form of ID. Loan amounts up to $5M.


Big Home 2

Want to discuss your options further? Then call us today at 904-591-3662 or visit our website at!

-Team MBL (Mortgages By Linda)

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